“Forget Freytag’s Pyramid (of Predictable Male Prose)—behold Gore’s Upside Down Triangle (of Fierce Feminist Narrative)! We Were Witches is its…
New classes
It’s time to sign up for new online creative writing classes with Ariel Gore.
“Do You Have Beau?” – new Sunday essay in the Rumpus
Shame is the haunting that’s hardest to scrub away. READ “Do You Have a Beau?”
New creative writing classes
It’s time to sign up for new online creative writing classes with Ariel Gore. Find out more and register at The…
The Stranger’s Plot – new Essay in The Nervous Breakdown
The new arrivals drive Priuses and can be seen running fast back and forth, up and down the street carrying…
Blood-Red Bougainvillea – new Sunday essay in the Rumpus
I imagined my Gammie on the other end of the phone, her grey hair piled into a bun, a red…
The End of Eve
“The End of Eve had just about everything I ever want in a memoir: WTF plot events, almost-over-the-top characters that…
Subscribe for Saturday morning writing prompts
Wake up and write! Now you can subscribe to Ariel Gore’s School for Wayward Writers and get weekly writing prompts.…
The End of Eve wins New Mexico – Arizona Book Award
Ariel Gore’s darkly comic memoir, The End of Eve, just won a 2014 New Mexico – Arizona book award. You…
Hip Mama Cover Censored
Issue #55 of Hip Mama magazine was on the verge…